Saturday, February 28, 2009

I am finally updating my blog. As all my loyal fans know, I haven't made any new posts in a VERY LONG time. I'm still in the process of trying to figure out what I'm going to be blogging about...there's my life....which really only is about Aiden my 2 year old, which can get old and I might create just a family post for too much of that kind of information....or there's things that I want to get into and that I'm interested in....I think that that's the direction I'm leaning towards today--defining my self since my blog is self-titled. So stay tuned to find the family blog that I'm making....for all the fun Aiden stuff that would take over the Becca blog if I don't control it now.

SO, since I've missed the beginning of 2009 let me catch you up. I got some excellent Christmas presents that are going to allow me to start homing my photography skills and actually scrapbook them too without going insane....yes, that's right....I got a digital camera and am starting to digital scrapbook. I love not having a mess everywhere that can be destroyed by a 2 year old but being able to spend the 2 minutes of my free time productively and then pick up in the exact same spot whenever the next 2 minutes come along. It's great. I am also hoping to be much more liberal and improve my photography skills since I now have a digital medium. Before I was limited to trying to only get "the perfect shot" because I couldn't get out my equipment and afford to develop all that film to pick through the new techniques that I tried that didn't work. Now I will be hopefully taking it up a level from my college courses, who knows maybe I'll be getting to do family portraits, senior pictures, (already getting the baby pictures perfected)...etc. that is one of my be the photographer that is in me. We'll see.

I also finished up painting my mom's house and we've almost got all the remodel finished...stay tuned for the pictures...they are downloading to my computer now and will be posted soon. I am also interested in helping others design or remodel like I have my parents--it's crazy hard (especially with clients like them) but it has turned out soooooo good.

I also have been getting into couponing--I think that I am getting it but it is definately still in the hard work phase and I still get very stressed when I get to the store to apply what I know. My friends have a very helpful blog for anybody that is interested in good deals:; I have been able to identify things that I thought I was understanding and seeing some that I missed. It is so nice to have places to go to get help and people that like to make life easier and that have so much to teach :) I am hoping to be getting some pantry storage stocked up to make things less, we've been trying to eat at home more just to be healthier.

Other than all this, my life is consumed with Aiden and Jacob and I babysit for my friend too, while she's at work, oh yeah, and I've been cleaning my mom's house. When I sit down and think about it it's amazing I've been able to do anything other than this and I've been doing so much better at squeezing things that I want to do in.

Well, that's an update for now, check out my friends site and stay tuned for something brilliant for my next post.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! I must be one of your loyal fans. Thanks for the updates. I always find it encouraging to write down all that has been accomplished even in the last few months and realize that a lot really has happened. I'll be checking out your new blog too.